How to choose a plant incubator correctly (with product recommendation guide attached)
classification:Company News Release time:2023-04-04 21:25:12

1、 What is a plant incubator

A plant incubator is a widely used laboratory equipment in universities, research institutes, and enterprises. A high-quality plant incubator allows researchers, biologists, geneticists, and other professionals to accurately control the environmental factors required for experiments, such as humidity, temperature, light, carbon dioxide concentration, etc., when studying plants. Due to the frequent need to simulate the climate conditions of plant growth sites (including extreme weather conditions) in research, plant incubators are often referred to as artificial climate chambers.


2、 How to Choose a Plant Incubator Correctly


When choosing a plant incubator, light is the primary consideration. For example, rice, soybeans, wheat, and corn require high light conditions, while Arabidopsis and vegetables require low light conditions. Plant cultivation cannot do without light, which can provide a source of energy for plant growth. Plants have different requirements for light intensity and spectrum at different growth stages. In terms of the selection of supplementary lamps, fluorescent lamps or high-pressure sodium lamps are generally no longer chosen due to their high energy consumption and heat generation. In high heat conditions, plants need to stay away from fill lights, so they cannot be planted in multiple layers, wasting the already narrow cavity space.



Under conventional cultivation conditions, the temperature required for plant growth is generally between 15 ℃ and 35 ℃, and further requirements are between 3 ℃ and 45 ℃. If conducting stress experiments, the temperature is required to be between -20 ℃ and 60 ℃.



Normal plant growth requires a humidity requirement of 50-85%. If conducting a low humidity test, the humidity will be lower than 30%.


CO ₂ concentration

Normal plant growth, The concentration of CO ₂ is generally required to be between 400-700ppm, and the saturation concentration of carbon dioxide in most plants is 1500ppm. Under normal cultivation conditions, as long as fresh air is supplemented regularly, it can meet the needs of plant growth. If CO ₂ fertilization regulation is desired, the CO ₂ control function needs to be added.


In addition to the hard reference factors mentioned above, we also need to focus on the following points:

Intelligent remote control

The plant incubator simulates the environment required for long-term plant growth, with different temperature and lighting requirements at different time periods. Through program control, a continuous control environment can be provided;


Enterprise strength

In addition to the hardware conditions of the product, we also need to consider additional soft factors related to the strength of the enterprise brand, such as the size of the enterprise, registered capital, personnel status, and whether there is a factory. Users can learn about the company's background through various channels such as Tianyancha. Enterprises with strong brand strength will also have relatively guaranteed product quality and after-sales service.

