What are the effects and benefits of plant growth lights on plants?
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-03-01 21:52:06

The light from plant growth lights can improve the growth of plants. Leaves are the main part of photosynthesis in plants, and growth lights can affect the growth of leaves. So, what is the impact of plant growth lights on plants? Let's take a look together.

1、 What are the effects of plant growth lights on plants

The blue light in the plant growth lamp significantly promotes the widening and growth of rice seedling leaves compared to white light, increases the angle between the leaves and leaf sheaths, and makes the leaves flat; However, red light has the opposite effect, inhibiting leaf widening and growth. However, some people also believe that compound light is more conducive to the growth and development of leaves. Lettuce has the largest leaf area under three combinations of red, blue, and green light, followed by white light, and finally red and blue light. Studies have also shown that increasing the proportion of red light in compound light has a certain promoting effect on the increase of tobacco leaf area, but the leaf weight decreases and the leaves become thinner.

2. The effect of plant growth lamp light quality on stomatal regulation. Stomata are channels for water and oxygen entry and exit, and are the gateway to plant photosynthesis. Stomatal movement is regulated by many external and internal factors, among which light is an important regulatory factor. In both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, it has been found that blue light can promote stomatal opening, while green light can reverse this effect. They believe that the reversible response of blue and green light to stomatal opening and closing may be due to the two isomerization of zeaxanthin, namely the physiological active body that mainly absorbs green light and the inactive body that absorbs blue light.

2、 What are the benefits of plant growth lamps?

1. Intelligent plant growth lamp illumination can ensure high average light propagation, achieving the same lighting level regardless of the position of the plants, thereby enabling them to grow at the same speed and growth rate. Due to the high quality of intelligent plant growth lights, even after years of use, the light output can still be maintained at a very high level.

2. Low power consumption and high efficiency plant growth lamps consume less power than traditional fluorescent lamps. And it does not generate heat, so the pipes can be placed close to plants, which means more layers can be set up in the same space.

3. With a long service life and low cost, the best intelligent plant growth lamp can last for several hours, so there is no need to replace the lamp tube frequently or worry about damage to the intelligent plant growth lamp.

Intelligent plant growth lights will play a major role in the lighting of horticultural crop production, especially in vegetable sowing. Plant growth lights provide photosynthesis for plants, promote plant growth, reduce flowering time, and increase yield.
