How to use an artificial climate chamber and keep these regulations in mind
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-04-01 21:50:46

The artificial climate chamber is a closed isolation device that can manually control light, temperature, humidity, air pressure, and gas composition. Also known as a controllable environment laboratory. It has become an important equipment for scientific research, teaching, and production, not limited by natural conditions such as geography and seasons, and can shorten the research cycle.

In order to effectively use a plant culture type artificial climate chamber, anyone who needs to use the chamber must first carefully read and consciously follow the usage standards.

1、 Access and doors and windows

After entering and exiting the plant cultivation type artificial climate room, the door must be immediately closed to avoid the spread of pests between different rooms. When leaving, the door must be locked in a timely manner.

2、 Temperature and photoperiod

After the person in charge of each room sets the temperature, humidity, and lighting of the artificial climate room, no one is allowed to change the setting conditions without authorization. On rainy or winter days, the fill light should be turned on for approximately 8 hours per day (adjustable according to specific weather conditions). After the fill light is turned on, it should be turned off in a timely manner. It is strictly prohibited to fill light at night or turn on the light overnight.

3、 Fault repair report

All users are responsible for paying attention to the operation of equipment such as air conditioning, fans, light sources, and water sources in the plant cultivation artificial climate room and greenhouse. Especially after a power outage, if there are any abnormalities, they must promptly contact the room administrator for corresponding adjustments and repairs.

At present, artificial climate rooms can be divided into room types, box type, and mixed type. Room types include central control room and environmental control room; Box type independent control system; Mixing refers to a room equipped with an artificial climate chamber.