Why do artificial climate incubators need to be equipped with LED cold light sources
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-03-15 21:49:17

The digital light incubator adopts an upgraded version of the sound and light alarm environment scanning intelligent chip, which has stronger data processing functions and is suitable for plant germination, seedling cultivation, microbiology, food, environmental protection, and other research and application fields in medicine, biology, molecular science, pharmacy, etc. It has common and important applications in temperature control experiments for cultivation and other purposes.

1 LED light sources have the characteristics of miniaturization, planarization, and good design. They can overcome the limitations of traditional point and line light sources, achieve random layout of light sources, and can be freely matched with the proportion of multi-color light. The lighting incubator also has a dual temperature control system for cold and warm.

2 LED light source has a fast response time of nanoseconds, and the light source is an integrated dot matrix type, which can ensure symmetrical coverage. The lighting incubator has a dual temperature control system and temperature control function. It is a key testing equipment for biology, genetic engineering, medical, disease prevention, environmental protection, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, colleges, production units or departmental laboratories, used for low-temperature temperature control testing, training testing, environmental testing, etc.

3. Energy saving - The energy consumption of LED light sources is extremely low, 80% lower than that of ordinary light sources, so the power consumption of small incubators is extremely low. Moreover, the whole machine adopts foam insulation technology to minimize energy consumption, greatly saving the cost of machine use, and significantly reducing the failure rate of the whole machine. The warranty free period has been increased from the traditional one year to two years.