How should an artificial climate chamber be maintained and maintained?
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-02-18 21:45:09

1. The management personnel of the artificial climate room need to read the user manual of the artificial climate room, equipment accessories, and related tools, be familiar with the working principle and operating procedures of the system equipment, and be proficient in the daily maintenance, upkeep, and repair work of the equipment. Having basic maintenance skills, able to communicate smoothly and accurately with manufacturers, able to quickly and accurately determine the cause of faults, solve small problems on-site, provide fault diagnosis for major problems, and negotiate with manufacturers to develop maintenance plans. To ensure equipment integrity and improve the efficiency of using artificial climate chambers.

2. Keep the artificial climate room and control box tidy and clean, and do not place items unrelated to the experiment in the climate room. Do a good job in fire prevention and theft prevention. Develop emergency plans for power outages, water outages, leaks, and other emergencies during working days and holidays, and be responsible for their implementation.

3. Before using the artificial climate chamber, the electrical condition inside the control box, wiring, and electronic components should be checked for any detachment or short circuits. The touch screen surface should be clean and there should be no deviation when clicked. Check again whether the humidifier float valve, lamp tube, and carbon dioxide valve in the climate chamber can work properly, and ensure that the water source in the water tray is clean and free of dirt and blockage, whether the lamp tube can light up normally, whether there is no dust or scale on the surface, whether the overall structure and glass surface of the overhead light or culture rack are clean, whether the ventilation port is dirty and blocked, whether the pressure inside the carbon dioxide cylinder is normal, and whether the valve and flow meter are open. If it is necessary to place experimental items in an artificial climate chamber, the ultraviolet lamp should be turned on for sterilization treatment.

4. When using an artificial climate room, it is necessary to regularly clean the room, check the operation of the equipment, and promptly record any malfunctions that occur. Clean the humidifier and water tray at least once a week, and clean the ventilation openings, filter screens, lamps, culture racks, or glass surfaces at least once a month. Clean the condenser fins of the air conditioning external unit and the evaporator fins of the air conditioning internal unit at least once a quarter.

5. Temporarily do not use the artificial climate room. The humidifier, water tray, ventilation port, lamp tube, culture rack or glass surface inside the room should be cleaned thoroughly, and the humidifier inlet valve should be closed. If there is any accumulated water in the water tray, it should be cleaned in a timely manner. All air switches inside the control box should be disconnected, and any dust accumulation should be cleaned in a timely manner. Maintain good ventilation in the artificial climate room.
