Constant temperature and humidity are both physical and chemical experiments
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-05-12 21:43:26

With the rapid development of various fields, intelligence has entered people's daily lives. In some unique manufacturing industries, constant temperature and humidity testing rooms must be used. So what exactly is constant temperature and humidity testing? What are its characteristics? Today, let's take a look together.

With the rapid development of various fields, intelligence has entered people's daily lives. In some unique manufacturing industries, constant temperature and humidity laboratories must be used. So what exactly is constant temperature and humidity testing? What are its characteristics? Today, let's take a look together.

Definition of constant temperature and humidity test chamber

The constant temperature and humidity test chamber means that in the necessary indoor space for people, the environmental humidity and the required environmental humidity are kept constant at a constant speed standard value.

Characteristics of a constant temperature and humidity laboratory

1. The system software is very independent, and it uses a separate humidity and temperature control system. The actual operation and management methods are very convenient, and the most important thing is environmental protection and energy conservation, which is conducive to practical operation.

2. The exhaust volume is large, and in order to achieve the relevant regulations on precision and relative uniformity of constant temperature and humidity, the air exchange in the room with constant temperature and humidity air conditioning needs to be sufficient.

3. Having unique natural ventilation, I believe it is a key factor that harms the precision of constant temperature and humidity. Effective natural ventilation will fully utilize the water cooling and heating effects of the exhaust cyclone, creating a stable and uniform temperature field.

4. The insulation and sealing performance of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is very good. Sealing performance is a key indicator for the laboratory. If the sealing performance is good, it can reasonably reduce the company's operating costs and improve the accuracy of the laboratory's temperature and environmental humidity.

The key feature of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is that the unique manufacturing industry has unique requirements for the natural environment. It is necessary to find a relatively standardized constant temperature and humidity test chamber, so as to carry out stronger applications. Therefore, whether constant temperature and humidity belong to physical experiments or laboratories depends on the specific experiment that the customer wants to conduct.