What is germplasm resources and how to preserve precious germplasm resources?
classification:Industry News Release time:2023-07-20 21:40:20

What is germplasm resources?

Germplasm resources generally refer to the genetic material that determines biological genetic traits and transmits their genetic information from parents to offspring, known as genes in genetics. Germplasm is an objective entity that may manifest in the form of seeds, varieties, plants, branches, cells DNA fragments. Germplasm resources can be divided into local, non local, wild, and artificially created germplasm resources.

The important role of germplasm resources:

Germplasm resources are the material foundation for human survival and sustainable development of the national economy, and an important component of national security. It is the material foundation of plant breeding.

How to properly preserve germplasm resources?

After sorting and classifying the collected germplasm resources, they must be properly preserved for research and long-term use. If not properly preserved, it will destroy the variety resources that have been collected with great effort, and in-depth research and full utilization will become empty talk. To properly preserve germplasm resources, it is necessary to maintain a certain number of samples, maintain the viability of each sample, and maintain the original genetic variability.

Nowadays, with the advancement of science and technology, we can build germplasm resource banks to preserve germplasm resources, which can be divided into low-temperature preservation, ultra-low temperature preservation, and in vitro preservation. After receiving the seeds, the germplasm resource bank needs to perform pre-treatment such as cleaning, vitality testing, drying and dehydration on the seeds before they are stored in the warehouse, and then sealed and packaged.